Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cather vs. Steinbeck

In Willa Cather's short story, "Paul's Case," she focuses on Paul's life and hidden pain.  The character wants to run away from reality.  His mom died from an illness and his only adult figure in his life, his father, is very harsh on him.  Paul got suspended from school for being physically averse towards his teachers.  The main character has signs of being depressed.  He is very independent, quiet, but at the same time has a haunted smile and smirk on his face and walks around with a high, hunch back.  Paul also tries to get away his father because he is always sneaking around because he is in fear he will be killed.  Paul is successful at getting away from all of his problems because in the end, he commits suicide.  There is so much pain that has built up inside of him over the years and by putting an end to his life, he demolishes that pain.  Through this story, Willa Cather examines Paul as someone with a mental issue and looks at him through a psychological lens.
October 9th 9:30pm
In John Steinback's story the chrysanthemums, the main character Elisa and her husband Henry live on a ranch.  The story takes place in the early-mid 20th century.  The short story is about Elisa raising chrysanthemums.  The story takes place as Elisa is working hard on the ranch.  At the end of the story, her husband finally takes her out to a nice dinner.  The author is trying to examine the inequality of men and woman back then.  Elisa tries to run away from the stereotypes of gender by working hard on the ranch and showing that woman are strong.  Towards the end, her husband tells her that she is strong.  She is successful at showing that woman are equal to men by working hard on the ranch but the story ends with her "crying weakly" and hiding it from her husband so in a way she is also unsuccessful because she doesn't want to show Henry that she also has a weak side. 
October 12th 8:35pm

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